The Virtual CIO service provides IT strategic planning, budgeting, and project management.The focus is on the strategies required so that the IT group can effectively support the institution’s business objectives.IT acquisition oversight as well as professional development and training of the IT team are also key areas for the Virtual CIO.Consult 4 IT will provide an executive level information technology expert that is experienced in all roles and functions typically required from a Chief Information Officer in the banking industry.
- IT budgets are managed with the proper board reporting and approval - A 3 year strategic plan is established which supports the business objectives - IT Steering Committee is established with agendas and appropriate regulatory documentation - Project Plans are created and managed - IT team is trained and providing the most current solutions - Change Control is implemented so that all production changes are reviewed and approved by IT Steering Committee
Scope of Work
Phase I – Review of current IT structured activities
Phase II - Needs Assessment with bank department managers determining the effectiveness of IT group
Phase III – Development of the 3 year strategic plan
Phase IV – Develop the necessary project plans and budgets
Phase V – Implement change control procedures
Phase VI – Establish the IT Steering Committee and provide agenda topics and structure
Phase VII – Provide guidance to the IT Steering Committee throughout the year
Qualifying Questions
- Is your IT spending out of control? - Is IT focused on the right projects for the bank? - Are the department managers getting adequate IT support? - Are all of your IT systems current? - Is your IT documentation adequate and up to date? - Are IT projects implemented seamlessly?